Pioneering a Sales System for Foertmeyer & Sons

The Holdup

Oh, hey Foertmeyer and Sons. You need a presentation that will get a bunch of elementary school age kids excited to sell flowers? We got ya. Oh, and you need us to fill that presentation with custom animated characters and graphic design elements? Yeah, we can do that too. Oh boy, you also need sound design and voice overs for those characters? Of course we can do that.

I mean, is there anything we can’t do? (Well, technically yes. But we didn’t think that one botched at home hair dye job was relevant)

The Heist

We dove right in and started creating assets, recording voice overs, and illustrating cartoon characters. We assembled each of these pieces into a presentation lively and engaging enough to keep kids captivated and get them excited to fundraise for their school. This was more than just a powerpoint presentation, because lame. This was a multimedia event designed to be more than just a marketing tool, but to be a catalyst for huge growth that both Foertmeyer and Sons, and the schools would benefit from.

The Haul

The result? Before we stepped in, Foertmeyer and Sons were selling 6,200 items per year. After we started working with them it increased to an astounding 260,000 items per year. That means higher revenue for Foertmeyer and Sons, and more money raised for each participating school (Can you say winning?.) That is what we are all about. Results. If that’s what you want, we have them right here, and we’ll share. We promise.